Here are a couple of issues we at GCP have been thinking about lately:

Report Cards and Parent Teacher Conferences: You should soon be hearing from your son’s school about how he is doing thus far in the school year (if you haven’t already). Parent Teacher conferences will be coming soon, and you need to be prepared for them. See our tips in the previous post “Getting the Most Out of Parent Teacher Conferences”, December 2, 2011, and check out the helpful grade specific parent teacher conference guides we focused on in “Education Nation: Parent’s Toolkit”, October 8, 2013.

American Promise: GCP has been posting about this film, which follows two African American boys’ educational journeys from K-12th grade, since its fundraising days. We had the chance to see it recently, and urge everyone to see it as soon as possible. This is a riveting film which presents interesting, complicated and difficult issues for parents and teachers to think about and discuss. Much more to come on this, but for now be sure to go to and find a screening near you.