

Merry Christmas from Ground Control Parenting!!!

Hope you and your families are enjoying a very Merry Christmas!!! Let's all focus on spending time with each other, enjoying each other's company. If you all can't bear to be device free, at least share some of the stories/real news/interesting items you come across with one another, and let some conversations begin!! If you and your family want [...]

By |2016-12-25T23:07:58+00:00December 25th, 2016|Featured, Holidays, Latest News, Parents, Resources|0 Comments

Thoughtful Thursday: Holiday Wishes

Season's Greetings!! With Christmas but a week away, today's Thoughtful Thursday brings you some holiday cheer in the form of poetry from two of the great ones. Here are two Christmas poems by Langston Hughes and one from Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Enjoy! Christmas Eve: Nearing Midnight In New York The Christmas trees are almost all sold And the ones [...]

Valentine’s Day Fun With Your Son

Need some last minute Valentine's Day ideas for your little guys? Here are some easy and creative ways to celebrate the day: Personalized Cookies: Show your love and satisfy your 8 year old's sweet tooth with cookies that are calling his name. Eleni’s has delicious cookies that you can personalize. You can shop for them online at, or [...]

Thoughtful Thursday: The Lighter Side of Christmas

With Christmas a mere week away, some combination of school holiday programs, final exams, holiday prep and Christmas shopping are probably wearing many parents down. So for today's Thoughtful Thursday, here are a few holiday poems designed to lift your spirits and give you and your sons something to smile about during this pre-Christmas rush. Enjoy. The Boy Who [...]

Halloween Family Fun

Today and this weekend your children may be clamoring to watch scary movies. Since the network and cable channels generally load up on them this time of year, even if your children are not looking for them they are likely to run across them while flipping channels this weekend. Check out these links below to help guide you through [...]

By |2014-11-04T04:47:40+00:00October 21st, 2014|Holidays|1 Comment

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father's Day from GCP! Although we frown slightly at these marketing holidays designed to get you into the card and department stores, we do cheer for a chance to celebrate dads. Great dads are wonderful role models for all of our children, but especially for our sons. Growing up with a father who shows you right from wrong, [...]

By |2014-06-15T10:52:53+00:00June 15th, 2014|Holidays|0 Comments

Hit the Road! Vacationing with Kids

As summer approaches, thoughts turn to family vacations. We at GCP love hitting the road with the kids, and have been doing so since they were tiny tots. Family vacations can provide some of the best times of your life. Whether it is a road trip of a few hours or a journey to another part of the world, [...]

Interesting Christmas Gift Ideas

Incredibly, we are but a handful of days away from Christmas. If you haven't finished your shopping for the young ones, you may want to consider some of the guidelines and gift idea suggestions below. (Please don't tell us if you've already finished; we don't want to hear how organized and together you are. But if you are that [...]

By |2013-12-17T12:59:46+00:00December 17th, 2013|Holidays, Resources|1 Comment

Tips for Encouraging Thankfulness

With Thanksgiving but a few days away, we focus on gathering with our families and being thankful. In preparation for the holiday, children are encouraged in school to think about what they are thankful for, and often families will encourage everyone around the table to say what they are thankful for as they sit down to dinner. But what [...]