

Start Brain Building Today With Vroom!

If you have any children 5 years old or younger, you need to know about Vroom, an amazing set of resources and activities which you can use to help their young brains develop and grow strong. Vroom offers over 1000 activities for parents which turn everyday moments into “brain building moments”, giving children a strong base for lifetime learning. [...]

Thoughtful Thursday: Independence Day Offerings

On the day after Independence Day, today's Thoughtful Thursday offerings give us food for thought about celebrating these United States at a time where we feel so far from united. The first is a series of excerpts from Frederick Douglass' "What to the Slave is The Fourth of July", a powerful speech he gave to a group of New [...]

Emotional Training Builds Strong and Resilient Kids

How many times have your heard your child say "Ugh, I can't get this!" or "This will never work!" and throw down his pencil in dismay? While your first instinct might be to rush over to try to help fix the problem, or to encourage your child by saying "you're so smart, you can figure it out", researchers say [...]

Thoughtful Thursday: DéLana R. A. Dameron

Today's Thoughtful Thursday poem is from DéLana R. A. Dameron. Dameron, a South Carolina native, is the author of How God Ends Us, a collection of poems selected by Elizabeth Alexander for the 2008 South Carolina Poetry Book Prize. Dameron’s poetry, non-fiction and fiction have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies and she has received fellowships from the Constance [...]

Talking with Our Children About Suicide

The recent tragic deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain have made suicide a topic of conversation in the news and across our nation. How are you talking with your children about suicide? GCP has covered this topic over the years ("Are You OK? Focusing on Our Sons' Mental Health" and "

Beat Summer Slide with Summer Stride!

You may have heard about “ summer slide”, where over the summer students can lose two to three months of progress in math and reading and fall behind when they return to school in the fall.  But did you know that by the time a student gets to the 5th grade, the summer learning loss can add up to [...]

Take Some Lessons From Jay-Z’s Favorite Teacher

If your child tells you he wants to be a famous rapper, tell him he should be paying lots of attention in English class. In a recent interview with David Letterman, Jay-Z credited his sixth grade English teacher with fueling his love of language: "Her name was Ms. Lowden, and I just loved the class so much. Like reading [...]

Thoughts on the Recent Race/Income Gap Study

When I started this Ground Control Parenting blog years ago to talk about educating and encouraging our black and brown boys it was fueled by a concern about the underachievement of young men of color—a concern I saw evidence of all around me. While many of my black female friends were enjoying successful careers and lives, in many instances [...]

Walkout Wednesday: Students Unite

GCP parents, did your children participate in the walkout today? Students across the country walked out of their schools today in a well-coordinated national protest against gun violence and to mark one month since a mass shooting left 17 dead at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. Many of the student demonstrations were designed to last for [...]

Thoughtful Thursday: International Women’s Day

Today is International Women's Day, where we honor and celebrate the social, political and cultural achievements of women, and encourage awareness of gender inequality on a global scale. Wow, that is a tall order for one day--good thing it's Women's History Month so we don't have to have to do it all in one post! In honor of International [...]