

Are Your Children Looking at College Websites Online? Tell Them Every Click Counts

Do you have a high schooler in the college hunt? Here's important news from a recent article in the Wall Street Journal: Some colleges are tracking students' online interaction with their websites and factoring this into their admissions decisions. Those of you familiar with the college admissions process may have heard that some colleges look at students' "demonstrated interest", [...]

Insider Tips on the College Admissions Process

Yesterday GCP and Independent School Diversity Network (ISDN) hosted an "Insider’s View of the College Admissions Process" on Martha's Vineyard, featuring key admissions representatives from Columbia, Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania discussing the admissions process. Once a year GCP and ISDN fill a living room with kids of color and give them the opportunity to meet with the [...]

Inspirational: LeBron James’ I Promise School

LeBron James may have taken his talents to the LA Lakers, but he is leaving something very valuable behind in Ohio: a chance for 240 at-risk third and fourth graders in his hometown of Akron to get a brand new public school designed to help them achieve. James and his LeBron James Family Foundation have partnered with The Akron [...]

Good News: Twin Brothers Heading to MIT

Miles and Malik George, twin brothers who were co-valedictorians at their Woodbridge High School graduation last week, are both headed to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the fall. The George brothers, who got their last B's in third grade, both set their sites on MIT as high school freshmen, and worked towards this goal, both making near [...]

Thoughtful Thursday: Love Poems

In honor of Valentine's Day next week, today's Thoughtful Thursday features love poetry from an array of poets. We begin with a couple of love poems from Langston Hughes, whom poet Elizabeth Alexander rightly calls “'our' poet laureate, our'Shakespeare in Harlem.'" Then on a poem from Nikki Giovanni, one of the world's best known African American poets, who speaks [...]

Easing the Stress of High School Applications

Feeling overwhelmed by the high school application process for your son or daughter? You are certainly not alone. Here are a few tips to keep you and your child sane during the process: 1. Understand and Respect That the Process Takes a LOT of Work and a LOT of Time. And you will be responsible for the vast majority [...]

Surviving Your Son’s College App Process

If your son is a senior in high school, you know too well that this is the college application season. No doubt, it can be a time fraught with tension as your son negotiates the maze of determining where he wants to go and where he has a shot at getting in, all the while trying to keep up [...]

Reality Check: Pre-School and Kindergarten Admissions

O.K. all you parents who are either in the midst of the school application process for your pre-school or kindergarden son or have submitted your applications and are counting down the months until you are scheduled to hear the responses, take a deep breath and let it go slowly. Time for a reality check. We've all heard the depressing [...]

By |2014-11-04T04:59:26+00:00November 1st, 2014|Admissions, Ages 0-5, Featured, Parents, Resources|1 Comment

Good News on the College Admissions Front

For the fifth year in a row, all 240 of Chicago's Urban Prep Academies seniors have been accepted into over 200 four year colleges and universities. The seniors, all African American young men, celebrated their success at a ceremony where they exchanged the red ties of their daily uniform for the red and gold striped ties signaling their impressive [...]