Some interesting information to check out this weekend:
10 Most Violent Video Games: Just in time for summer vacation, Common Sense Media has compiled an annotated list of the 10 most violent video games currently on the market. Parent’s perspectives on the world of video gaming seems to be divided between parents who are avid fans of games and those who pay them no attention whatsoever. Both camps would be wise to take a look at these Common Sense reviews, found here. If you love video games, reading these reviews may remind you that while some of these violent games may be technically great, their content may be inappropriate for your sons. If you have never focused on the video games your sons play, take the time to read about the content of these latest games. Subscribing to the ostrich theory–where you’d prefer not to know what’s going on–is generally not among the best parenting practices. For each game reviewed, Common Sense Media offers some less violent alternatives.
Wu Tang Clan’s GZA Teaches Science: As we have reported in earlier posts, Wu Tang Clan member GZA has a strong interest in science which is evidenced in his rap lyrics and his work with students and science teachers. (See “The Latest Lesson from Hip Hop…Science!” May 31, 2012, and “Hip Hop Teachers Spreading the Word”. November 18, 2012) This week Slate magazine posted a video of GZA visiting a science class to encourage the student’s scientific inquiry and to hear them spit their science rhymes. Seeing the students respond with amazement and disbelief upon seeing GZA in their classroom, and then watching them work hard to impress him, is certainly inspirational, and worth watching and showing your sons. Check out the video here.
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Visiting MoMath: Earlier this week my 13 year old son and I went to check out MoMath, the national math museum in lower Manhattan, which was the subject of a GCP post earlier this week.(“Summer Learning Fun: Museums Making Math Cool” June 18, 2013), The museum was blissfully uncrowded when we got there (before noon on a weekday) and we were able to explore the exhibits at our leisure. While many of the exhibits were geared towards students a bit younger than my son, he (and I) really enjoyed trying to figure out how to operate them (all were interactive) and what mathematical lessons were being taught. Our favorite area was a series of tables filled with brain teaser puzzles for us to try. We enjoyed several of these puzzles so much we picked up smaller versions of them in the MoMath gift shop. For those of you in the NYC area, particularly with younger children, it is definitely worth a visit.