
GCP Back-to-School Tips for Parents

Summer vacation is done (hope your family had a great one) and the school year has begun!  Don't know about you, but I love the back-to-school season.  A new year, a clean slate, a fresh start.  Here are some valuable GCP Back-to-school do's and don'ts  for you busy parents which will help your children begin the new school year in [...]

5 “Teacher Tips” that Work for Parents Too

Ever wonder how teachers manage to keep classrooms of students engaged and motivated? Lynda Way, owner of the Pacific Preschool® & Kindergarten in California, offers "Teacher's Tips" for motivating children which she suggests parents can use at home. These tips, found here, are summarized below, and we've added our comments as well. 1. Give Positive Feedback: Look for opportunities [...]

By |2023-05-21T16:43:43-04:00September 30th, 2014|Latest News|Comments Off on 5 “Teacher Tips” that Work for Parents Too
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