You may have heard about “ summer slide”, where over the summer students can lose two to three months of progress in math and reading and fall behind when they return to school in the fall. But did you know that by the time a student gets to the 5th grade, the summer learning loss can add up to a 2-3 year education gap? GCP parents, time to gear up to help your child stay clear of the dreaded slide. But how?
Help is on the way from the folks at Summer Stride. Click on this link and you will find a simple and helpful 3 step plan to support summer learning fun, along with lots of other great suggestions for setting your children up for success for the coming school year. You’ll learn all about the 3 P’s of the plan:
Put the pieces together: as school ends, focus on report cards and score reports to understand how your child is doing;
Pay attention to progress: focus on what your child is excited about and find ways to encourage those interests while supporting specific skills;
Partner up: with teachers and learning professionals now and in the fall to discuss your child’s learning habits, current performance, and what is expected in the coming year.
GCP has been offering tips for avoiding summer slide for years, and this is a really great one. Head over to Summer Stride NOW to learn more about the 3 P’s and other great ways to help your child avoid summer slide!