Meet Superhero Parents Clay Armbrister and Denise McGregor Armbrister

Meet Superhero Parents Clay Armbrister and Denise McGregor Armbrister

This week on Ground Control Parenting with Carol Sutton Lewis  you’ll hear the inspirational story of the Armbrister family.  Johnson C. Smith University President Clarence “Clay” Armbrister and his wife, former banking executive Denise McGregor Armbrister, share their triumphs and challenges raising a family of five which includes children with special needs and two adopted siblings.  You’ll learn how this family came together with determination and love, led by two superhero parents.  They may not view themselves as superheroes, but once you’ve heard their story, you’ll agree that they are.

You can hear this episode on  Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, and many other podcast spots, as well as here on the Ground Control Parenting blog.

Excited to report that last week’s episode, Mothers and Daughters with Lynn Whitfield, has the highest number of downloads of any GCP episode during it’s first week of release.  Thanks to all who have downloaded and listened, and to those who haven’t yet, join the crowd, you’re in for a treat!

I end each post about the podcast by asking you to please rate and review on Apple Podcasts once you’ve listened.  And several of you have asked for more detailed directions on exactly how to rate and review.  (Good question, on some devices it is not so simple.)  So here are step-by-step illustrated instructions on how to rate and review using an Ipad/Iphone.  (The pictures are from an Ipad, but the instructions are the same for both devices.). Please use these instructions and rate and review!!

How to Rate and Review GCP Podcast on Apple Podcasts:

Type in “podcasts” in the search bar on the Ipad and you will see a purple podcasts icon. 
Tap the podcast icon, type “Ground Control Parenting” in the podcast search. 
When the show comes up,  
scroll down to see “Rating and Reviews” at the bottom.
You can hit the stars to rate (hit the star furthest to the right to register 5 stars) and you can click the “write a review” at the bottom to write your review.
Let me know if this makes it easier.  Thanks so much for rating and reviewing!!
By |2023-05-21T07:57:00-04:00December 1st, 2020|Entertainment, Featured, Interviews, Parents, Podcast, Resources, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Meet Superhero Parents Clay Armbrister and Denise McGregor Armbrister

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