Remote Learning, Homeschooling, it’s a new day, and we need to try to get up to speed on all of this pretty quickly. Here’s a list of online learning resources for you and your children to help you navigate this brave new world:
Getting Organized: sites to help you get started
Seven Strategies to Plan, Prioritize and…Plan?!!: tips for getting kids set up for home schooling. Includes schedule suggestions.
New Visions Guide to Remote Teaching and Learning: This Charter school network is sharing its site which supports teachers as they develop materials for remote teaching and learning. It includes links to educational technology resources as well as curriculum resources.
Emerson Collective: Supporting Students During COVID-19: Resources for Remote learning: Includes info on apps to facilitate communicating with teachers and info on how to set up at-home learning.
Curriculum Resources
All Grades:
Emerson Collective: Supporting Students During COVID-19: Resources for Remote learning: This site has loads of links to a variety of subject matter, including math, coding, science, social science, language arts. You can link to virtual field trips and live online classes (the classes are fee based). Also includes links to Using Khan Academy for remote learning—a must-visit site. Under the “Resources for Teachers” you can find a link to BrainPop’s free access to great learning resources (will be free for as long as schools are closed).
New Visions Guide to Remote Teaching and Learning: This charter school network is sharing its site which supports teachers as they develop materials for remote teaching and learning. It includes links to curriculum resources as well as educational technology resources.
IXL Personalized Learning: This website provides a comprehensive curriculum for grades K-12, and has individualized guidance for the students, diagnostic tools and analytics. These materials are generally provided for a fee, but IXL is providing teachers (which GCP believes includes homeschooling parents) who sign up a 30 day free trial.
InsideSEL: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Resources for Parents, Educators and School Communities Related to CoVID-19. This site provides a list of resources and guides to help support children’s health and well being during this crisis. In addition to the resources they list (which they update daily), they also encourage readers to add their own suggestions, which look helpful as well.
Elementary and Middle School Grades:
At-Home Learning (Mr. Malone Recommendations): a very detailed 8am- 4pm schedule with lots of links to subject specific resources put together by a superintendant at Achievement First, a charter school network
Daddy School: A father’s creative approach for his children in grades 4 and 6. Daddy School is in session from 9am- noon, Gym (outside) from 2-3:30pm. Academic schedule (very video based) includes: History (videos), Book club (reading and discussion), Ted Talks (kid friendly), Science (videos), Tests on each day’s lessons
Scholastic Learn at Home: daily reading projects for grades PreK-6 which let children read/watch a story and do story related activities online.
Art and Music Appreciation:
Music: Ari the Singalong Guy livestreams his music class daily at 11am EST on IG (@arithesingalongguy). Each class stays in his IG Story for 24 hours. For the very little ones.
Art: Check out the many resources offered by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Under their Learn banner, you can find MetKids, a digital feature about the art in the Met made for and by kids. For high schoolers and up, the Educators section of the Learn banner has Lesson Plans based on various artworks around the museum. If you want to use these with your high schoolers you should take some time to go through the lesson plans first, figure out which ones make sense for you to use and determine how you will use them. Some of the art lessons have a historical connection (e.g., “Bravery Stands Tall”, a lesson about the painting “Washington Crosses the Delaware) which your children might find interesting.
GCP will continue to post resources as we get them. Let us know if you are looking for help in a particular area (leave a comment below, or on Facebook (Ground Control Parenting) or Instagram (@GroundControlParenting). Hang in there, stay safe, and keep washing those hands, everyone!!