NYC educator Alvin Irby is the founder of Barbershop Books, a New York City–based project that puts child friendly reading nooks and a variety of fun and engaging books into neighborhood barbershops, so young Black boys are encouraged to read while they wait for a haircut. With Barbershop Books Irby seeks to connect Black men to Black boys’ early reading experiences, to improve Black boys’ access to engaging children’s books, and to increase the time Black boys spend reading for fun. Barbershop Books is currently located in 6 barbershops around NYC, and Irby hopes to expand to 25 by the end of the year.
How cool and smart is this concept? Look at this adorable Barbershop reading nook in a NYC barbershop;
What young man could resist plopping down on that bean bag and diving into a fun read? Such a thoughtful approach to encouraging boys to read and learn. Check out his website here to learn more about Irby and Barbershop Books. If you would like to get involved with or donate to his efforts, or even suggest a barbershop in your area which could use Barbershop Books, you can do so on the website as well. Also check out the article here that explains how he came to focus on boys and reading.
Bravo, Allen Irby and Barbershop Books!!