At GCP we are always on the lookout for resources that can help parents boost our sons’ (and daughters’) achievement. Below are some sites that may be helpful:
Khan Academy ( This site, created by Sal Kahn, has over 2100 videos which feature mini lessons and self-paced exercises covering math (from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus), science (biology, chemistry, astronomy and physics) and history. Most of the tutorials are on math and science subjects, but the library is growing quickly. Parents can sign up as coaches and monitor their children’s progress. Best of all, it’s free!
Fact Monster Homework Center ( Fact Monster provides free homework help in geography, history, language arts, math, science, social studies, writing/research and study skills. While the material on this site could be helpful to all grades, it seems principally geared for third through eighth graders. It is created by Pearson Education, which publishes educational textbooks. ( Students can post homework questions online and get free homework help from volunteer tutors. The site welcomes questions from all grade levels (kindergarten through college) and claims that questions are almost always answered within a couple of days. Students can also chat with live tutors for homework help in various school subjects including math, science, social studies, language arts.
Yahoo Kids Homework Help ( A directory of websites for specific academic needs. A hodgepodge of educational resources, including potential homework help.
Multnomah Homework Center ( This homework resource database, compiled by librarians in Multnomah County, Oregon, directs students to sites which can provide resource material for homework/school projects.
Grammar Slammer ( This grammar resource has tips on style and usage, capitalizing, abbreviation, punctuation, and common grammar mistakes and choices.
Do you have any favorite homework helper sites to add to this list? Please leave a comment and share them with us!