
Good News from Chicago’s Urban Prep Academy: College Edition

As many of you regular GCP readers may know, for the past 5 year Chicago's Urban Prep Academy has been sending 100 percent of its high school graduates off to college. (See "Good News on the College Admissions Front", April 16, 2014.) Recently Urban Prep Academy celebrated another milestone, as the first class of those high school graduates graduated [...]

By |2023-05-21T16:42:36-04:00June 18th, 2014|Academics, Ages 13-15, Ages 16-18|Comments Off on Good News from Chicago’s Urban Prep Academy: College Edition

GCP in the News: The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice

We were delighted to recently learn that a GCP post, "How Do We Talk to Our Children About Newtown?" has been featured on The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School website, which can be found here. The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice (CHHIRJ), established in 2005 by Harvard Law professor [...]

By |2023-05-21T16:36:18-04:00January 4th, 2013|Saving Our Sons|Comments Off on GCP in the News: The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice

What Color is Your Princess?

Am passing on to you all a delightful and witty piece written by a young friend which appeared in today's New York Times' "Motherlode" parenting blog. When Doreen Oliver's 3-year-old son Bug wanted to be a princess for Halloween, Doreen was concerned. Not because he wanted to dress up in a costume usually worn by girls; she could work [...]

By |2012-10-28T22:13:32-04:00October 28th, 2012|Parents|1 Comment

President Obama’s Plan to Help African American Students Succeed

Last Thursday, President Obama signed an Executive Order creating The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, which is designed to support, coordinate and strengthen the work of communities and federal agencies to ensure that African-American youngsters are better prepared for high school, college and productive and successful careers. He announced this Initiative last Wednesday night in [...]

By |2023-05-21T16:22:17-04:00July 28th, 2012|Academics, Ages 0-5, Ages 13-15, Ages 16-18, Ages 5-7, Ages 8-12|Comments Off on President Obama’s Plan to Help African American Students Succeed

Stanford Study Confirms: Fewer Black and Hispanic Students at Elite Colleges Than There Were Decades Ago

A study recently released by Stanford University's Center for Education Policy Analysis has found that Black and Hispanic students remain significantly underrepresented in the nation's most selective colleges. The study, which can be found here, concludes that as recently as 2004, white students were five times as likely as Black students to enroll in selective colleges. White students with [...]

By |2012-07-18T12:30:19-04:00July 18th, 2012|Ages 16-18, College Bound Students|Comments Off on Stanford Study Confirms: Fewer Black and Hispanic Students at Elite Colleges Than There Were Decades Ago

Club 2012: This Is How We Do It

In 2007, a group of Black parents in Loudoun County Maryland became concerned as they watched their middle school sons fall behind in school. These parents' expectations were high: they were raising their sons in one of the state's most affluent communities and sending them to the high performing neighborhood schools. These well-educated, well employed professionals thought they were [...]

By |2023-05-21T16:20:54-04:00June 15th, 2012|Ages 8-12, Parents|Comments Off on Club 2012: This Is How We Do It

And Now For Some Good News from Urban Academy Prep

For the third year in a row, Chicago's Urban Academy Prep, an all male charter school in one of Chicago's toughest neighborhoods, will be sending its entire senior class of 85 young men to four-year colleges or universities. As reported in the Huffington Post article found here, the school also boasts an impressive record with respect to how their [...]

By |2023-05-21T16:19:56-04:00April 3rd, 2012|Academics, Ages 0-5, Ages 13-15, Ages 8-12|Comments Off on And Now For Some Good News from Urban Academy Prep

NYC Principals Cite Cultural Disconnect to Explain Greater Suspension Numbers for Black and Hispanic Students

Several New York City principals have suggested that the disproportionate number of Black and Hispanic students suspensions in NYC public schools can be traced to the failure of teachers and administrators to understand the street-wise origins of the students' aggressive behavior. In an article found here the principals suggest that these students are having trouble understanding that the combative [...]

Noteworthy News Items

Here are some noteworthy news items which have surfaced this week: Rise in Preschoolers with Cavities: Dentists nationwide say they are seeing more preschoolers at all income levels with 6 to 10 cavities or more, according to a New York Times article published yesterday and found here. Some dentists have resorted to using general anesthesia on their toddler patients [...]

By |2023-05-21T16:19:56-04:00March 7th, 2012|Academics, Ages 0-4, Ages 16-18|Comments Off on Noteworthy News Items

New Hampshire Parents Gain Control Over School Curriculum

The New Hampshire Legislature recently voted to give parents more control over the subjects taught in schools and the manner in which they are taught. On January 4, 2012, the legislature voted to allow parents to request an alternative school curriculum for any subject which has course material which they deem "objectionable". If the parent objects to any curriculum [...]

By |2023-05-21T16:19:56-04:00February 23rd, 2012|Academics, Parents|1 Comment
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