It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day details of parenting (and there are SO many details these days!) and lose sight of some of the important “big-picture” parenting issues, like: How are we teaching our kids our values, our morals? What specific steps and actions can we take to help our children develop a core of confidence and joy? And what do we need to resolve in ourselves to be a joyful parent? In her new book, Parent Like it Matters, sociologist and parent activist Dr. Janice Johnson Dias gives us step-by-step help with tackling these issues. And I’m talking with her about this parenting guide on this week’s #GCP Podcast!
Janice has drawn on her years as a sociology professor and the co-founder of a girl’s leadership foundation to give us a book filled with the tools and guidance to raise confident, change-making children. In this episode, she focuses on how issues from our past can impact our ability to parent well and what we can do about them. We talk about ways to build our children’s core of confidence by giving them a strong sense of their history, and about how (and why) we must stay focused on our kids’ social media usage to make sure that confidence stays strong.
You will love hearing Janice talk about these issues—she is smart, funny and has lots of good common sense. We go deep on parenting in this episode, and we have a lot of fun along the way.
When my kids were young I was always on the hunt for parenting best practices– ways to approach parenting issues that helped me convey positive values to my kids, ways that made me feel good and confident about the way I parented. I wish I’d had this book back then and I am really happy that parents of children of all ages now have this valuable resource. To hear more about the book and a lot of valuable parenting advice and insight, don’t miss my latest episode, How to Parent Like it Matters with Dr. Janice Johnson Dias!
You can find it here on the GCP Podcast page, on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I Heart Radio or your favorite streaming platform.
To thank you for being a member of the GCP family, here’s a sneak peek from the episode. Here Janice explains why we need to actively seek to heal from personal trauma in order to make sure it does not impact our parenting:
JJD: What I really want parents to get is that when the hard moments come… I know that we have the capacity to muscle through, like we can. We can take a really heavy situation and we will get to the other side of that situation. My concern is that we’re often impaired on the other side and we don’t think about that because we made it to the other side. But what I would argue is that we left some part of ourselves, our healthy selves, back there.
I told you, we went deep! But we have lots of laughs as well. To hear the full episode tune in here or on your favorite streaming platform. And please don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and share #GCP Podcast!!
Photo credit: Rowena Husbands