It’s time to play Season Three’s GCP Bonus Round Matching Game!
Many of my Season 3 guests played the #GCP Bonus Round and shared some of their favorite poems, quotes and children’s books. As I’ve done at the end of my past two seasons, I’ve created a Matching Game to see if you can match this season’s guests with their correct favorites. And be sure to check out this great list of poems and books to enjoy with your family!
#ProTip! If you’re stuck on guesses, listen to my episodes with these featured guests to hear their favorites in the Bonus Round (at the end of every episode). You’ll hear their enticing personal stories and some amazing parenting advice along the way. Listen anytime on Apple, Spotify, on the Ground Control Parenting Blog, or on your other favorite podcast streaming platforms.
Stay tuned to see who guessed correctly and look out for Round Two of #TheMatchingGame!
What are some of YOUR favorite poems and children’s books?
I’d love to know what hits home for you. What has resonated with you and your family? What is a book you’ve read to your kids that you wish could have read when you were growing up? I’m always looking for more recommendations and resources so please to post a comment sharing you and your family’s favs.
Here’s a list of some of the Season 3 guests and their GCP Bonus Round answers. Good luck! Round 2 with favs from the rest of this Season’s guests coming next week!
Season 3 Guests:
Eric Furda
Jacques Steinberg
Sandra Jackson-Dumont
Janice Johnson Dias
Elizabeth Alexander
Jim Steyer
Favorite Poems/Quotes:
The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost
“The meek shall inherit the earth” Matthew 5:5
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, Robert Frost
The Serenity Prayer, Reinhold Nierbuhr
The Third Sermon on the Warpland, Gwendolyn Brooks
Favorite Children’s Books*
*Hint: One guest didn’t name a book, so you need only make 5 matches here!
No Mirrors in My Nana’s House, Ysaye Barnwell
Where the Wild Things Are, Maurice Sendak
Please, Baby, Please – Tonya Lewis Lee & Spike Lee
Enjoy the game!!!