It is graduation season, and speakers everywhere are polishing up their speeches and getting ready to share their wisdom and advice with the Class of 2015 and their families. Today’s Thoughtful Thursday features quotes from past graduation speeches. Some are funny, some thought provoking, some inspirational. Enjoy, and Congrats to the graduates!
“Think hard, always think hard, but don’t worry too much about figuring out a precise strategy, a step-by-step plan. Instead cultivate a faith, a specific faith that, by and large, doing the best you possibly can at what you value doing will bring you the chances and opportunities you need.” Claude Steele
“First class in life has nothing to do with the clothes you wear, the car you drive or the house you live in. First class is and always will be about the content of your character, the quality of your ideas and the kindness of your heart.” Cory Booker
“Don’t let complexity stop you. Be activists. Take on the big inequities. It will be one of the great experiences of your lives.”
– Bill Gates, Harvard University
“Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.” — Will Rogers
“You will find the key to success under the alarm clock.” — Benjamin Franklin
“Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open.” — Thomas Dewar
“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” — Vidal Sassoon
“Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path then by all means you should follow that.”
– Ellen Degeneres, Tulane University