Now is the time to focus on your sons’ summer reading plans. If you have an avid reader, make time to stop at the library or the book store and pick up some fun books for the summer. If your son would rather do almost anything other than read, then you will need to give him some incentive to get through his summer reading list. A reward for completing a certain number of books perhaps? Involve him in making the rules of a reading contest (including the reward), and he is likely to be more interested. Plan to read some books at the same time and compare notes along the way. Pick out a classic or two that you’ve never read, or go with a favorite you’d like to introduce him to. Check with his teachers to see if they have any suggestions for the level or types of books your son would benefit from reading over the summer. You will be surprised how much fun it can be to read books together!
Want some reading list suggestions? Check out:
“What to Read Next: Books for May 2015” and “Best Book Series” from Common Sense Media.
For books by or about African-Americans, check out the African-American Literature Book Club listings here, which include the 2015 Coretta Scott King Author Awards. Also check out the Jane Addams Children’s Book Award 2015 winners here and the 2014 winner here. The Jane Addams Children’s Book Awards annually recognize books which effectively promote the cause of peace, social justice, world community, and the equality of the sexes and all races as well as meeting conventional standards for excellence.
Several libraries have posted their summer reading lists. Have sons in kindergarten through 8th grade? Take a look at the Association for Library Services 2015 Reading list found here. The New York Public Library has its annual “Summer Reading at New York Libraries” drive, with a website chock full of book lists and activities. You can find it here— be sure to look at the drop down menu for Parents on this site.
Encourage your son to take the “Scholastic Reading Challenge” found here, and join the race to set a new reading world record for summer 2015. He can log his minutes of reading time and win on-line rewards.
These just a few of the many fun ways to focus on summer reading with your son. Have others? Share them with us!