Happy Father’s Day from GCP! Although we frown slightly at these marketing holidays designed to get you into the card and department stores, we do cheer for a chance to celebrate dads. Great dads are wonderful role models for all of our children, but especially for our sons. Growing up with a father who shows you right from wrong, who teaches you how to be loving but strong, who makes you feel protected and cared for and shows you how to protect and care for others…this is golden for a young man. So to all of you GCP dads out there taking care of business for your sons and your daughters, we salute you, thank you, and ask that you keep up the good work. Today is your day, and we hope that you spend it being celebrated by your families.
And to the single moms, please take this opportunity to thank the father figures in your sons’ life. We know that you hold it down as Mom and Dad so much of the time, but if there are men in your sons’ life who take on any of the roles of a father (and we hope that there are), take some time today to thank them for being there, and as importantly, have your sons thank them as well. It takes a village to raise a child, and there are surely some fathers in your village whose work and caring is truly appreciated. So let them know that you are thinking of them and appreciating them today.
A HUGE shout out to all of the fathers, here and smiling down from above, who have supported and guided and loved their children, both those they sired and those in the village that they helped raise. We are all the better for you!!!