“Rise of the Guardians”, the latest animated film from DreamWorks, opens tomorrow, November 21st. This tale of how Jack Frost, Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny band together to save children everywhere marks the directorial debut of Peter Ramsey, the first African American director of a big budget computer animated film. In an earlier GCP post we described Ramsey’s unusual and inspirational journey to this point. (See, “Who is Peter Ramsey? You and Your Kids Are About to Find Out”, October 6, 2012) From early reports, this movie is poised to join the blockbuster ranks, with Ramsey at the helm.
As we all know, movies tend to sink or swim on opening weekend box office, so if you are planning to take your children to see this movie, by all means do it this holiday weekend. Treat your kids to a fun adventure, and support the brother in charge!!
Speaking of folks in charge at DreamWorks, it should also be noted that Mellody Hobson has just been named Chair of the Board of DreamWorks Animation. Hobson is President of Chicago-based Ariel Investments. Ariel, which manages more than $3 billion in assets, is among the largest African American-owned money management and mutual fund companies in the United States. Kudos to Mellody Hobson and DreamWorks.